1·This paper overviews the current progress in the clinical application of ALIF.
2·This review briefly summarizes the current progress in cellular response to DSB.
3·This article reviews the current progress of the comprehensive therapy for esophageal cancer.
4·My last has delivered a copy of application in week, me think to know it current progress get how?
5·Chapter four makes a conclusion and points out the current progress and future plan of MRF development.
6·The next page, Current Progress, should now display an updated table indicating the topic recently created.
下一个页面Current Progress现在应当会显示一张更新的表,表示最近创建的主题。
7·The current progress and development trend in the study of safety theory of field flow in goaf are analyzed.
8·Its current progress and its methods to overcome the ATM's defects are introduced and, its future prospected.
该文还介绍了解决当前AT M存在问题的思路和研究进展,并对A TM技术的未来进行了展望。
9·The next page, Current Progress, should now display a table indicating the connection factory recently created.
下一个页面Current Progress现在应当会显示一张表,表示最近创建的连接工厂。
10·RB: How to you personally feel about the current progress of the project from when you first started to what you know now?